Jacob Kaplan’s parents own Brentwood Vacuum. You can help Jacob in his fight against the rare cancer, Angiosarcoma by donating to his GoFundMe campaign.
Jacob Kaplan, 21, son of Brentwood Vacuum owners, is a junior at Princeton University. He was recently diagnosed with Stage 4 Angiosarcoma, a cancer for which there is no cure.
The family has set up a GoFundMe page where Jacob recounts he is currently undergoing chemotherapy, and hopes to get to a point “where there is no evidence of the disease but I will be battling this for the rest of my life. I am going to fight this cancer and plan to return to Princeton to finish school and get my degree in Computer Science. When I return I will properly celebrate my 21st birthday, even if it’s a little late.”
Jacob is currently receiving treatment from one of the best Sarcoma specialists, but he is not part of the Kaplan’s family health plan. Jacob says he hopes “those who read this will help in any way possible to alleviate some of the financial burden my family is facing.”
He states that if the funds donated exceed the cost of his treatment, any excess funds will be donated to Angiosarcoma research.
Due to the rarity of Angiosarcoma, Jacob says there is not much funding available to furthering its investigation, “and so with the generosity of those who read this, if possible I hope to able to give back and help those also afflicted with this type of cancer, as well as furthering research to hopefully one day find a real cure for this disease.”
If you can, click here to donate