I started seeing signs pop up around Brentwood about an upcoming gathering of something called “BrentwoodMeet” (see BrentwoodMeet.com).
It sounded like a nice idea – a way for members of the Brentwood community to come together, connect and get involved in fun and interesting activities.

I attended the meeting on December 21, held at Barrington Recreation Center (333 So. Barrington). I got there a little late and was told it was much more crowded earlier, but I could see plenty of people still hanging around, talking, eating cookies and having fun.
There was a nice mix of old and young.
At the activity signup table, there were signup sheets for all kinds of activities: trivia contests, conversational French, a book club, canasta, board games, knitting and crochet, street cleanup events, gardening, Mahjong, movie watching, Pickle Ball, a singalong group, Spanish, general conversation, gardening, Yoga and more.
Admission to all BrentwoodMeet gatherings is free.

We live in an age of massive digital connectivity, and yet it is said there is an epidemic of loneliness, not only in America, but around the world.
I’m sure this applies to Brentwood, as well. I’ve lived in Brentwood for over 30 years, and even though I know a lot of people, I think once people go home at night, the doors close and that’s that. People in Brentwood don’t seem to socialize much. Or maybe they do, and I’m just not invited!
Maybe BrentwoodMeet can lead to new friendships for all of us.
I genuinely had fun at the December 21 event. I told Steve Joseph, who is heading up the trivia contest, that I happened to like trivia. He proceeded to hit me with several trivia questions and I had no clue what the answers might be.
His law firm, the Law Offices of Stephen L. Joseph), is putting up a $1,000 prize for an upcoming trivia event. So be forewarned – these trivia gatherings could become intense!
Steve’s wife, Simone Joseph, is the driving force behind BrentwoodMeet. She was like the Energizer Bunny at the December 21 event, all over the place, keeping things moving, keeping people talking. Simone is from France originally and heads up the conversational French class.
Simone pointed out the health benefits of socializing, which you can find spelled out in more detail at the BrentwoodMeet.com website: longer life, less stress, more happiness.
Carlos Luna, director of the Brentwood Recreation Center, is an enthusiastic supporter of BrentwoodMeet and it was clear much work went into arranging tables and chairs, keeping the kids busy with drawing, basketball and other activities.
I think BrentwoodMeet has big potential and I urge everyone to give it a try. I could see this working in communities everywhere. Check the calendar at BrentwoodMeet.com to learn what groups meet when.
I hope to see you at a BrentwoodMeet event soon.
Want to get in touch? Send an email to jeffhall@mirrormediagroupla.com.