The Bureau of Street Services Releases Project Plans to Upgrade Local Bus Shelters
By Dolores Quintana
The Bureau of Street Services is embarking on a transformative project to enhance bus shelters along Wilshire Blvd., replacing the current shelters with modern counterparts featuring digital rotating advertisements, set to replace the existing static ads. Scheduled for installation over a 4 to 6-year period commencing in 2024, this initiative aims to provide improved amenities to commuters and enhance the overall urban landscape.
The South Brentwood Residents Association stated on its website that they reviewed shelter locations in Brentwood, situated on the north side of Wilshire at San Vicente, Barrington, Brockton, Bundy, and Carmelina. In discussions with the Bureau of Street Services Sustainable Transportation and Placemaking (STAP) team, the decision was made to delay installations near housing, such as the Barrington location, and small commercial spaces like Carmelina. Furthermore, the STAP team is committed to ensuring that the shelter lighting does not disrupt these areas.
According to STAP, the new shelter lighting is designed to match ambient lighting conditions, not exceeding 4 lumens above existing light levels, thus maintaining the tranquil atmosphere of these locations. Unlike the current shelters, the lighting on the upgraded shelters can be remotely dimmed from a central station, and they are powered by energy-efficient LED lighting rather than fluorescent.
While initial plans for the new bus shelters explored the inclusion of amenities like cell phone charging stations and water facilities, these features are not currently part of the project scope. The bus benches will be designed to prevent individuals from stretching out and sleeping on them, promoting a safe and welcoming environment for all users.
It’s important to note that the vendors responsible for installing the bus shelters will also be tasked with their maintenance and ensuring the cleanliness of the area, including emptying trash receptacles. If you encounter any maintenance issues or have concerns, please feel free to reach out via email at or by phone at 1-866-633-0068 (for stops with shelters) or 1-855-441-1300 (for stops with bus benches only).
For additional information about the STAP program and its objectives, please visit