In a 2022 Brentwood News column, I proposed building a seawater pipeline from the Pacific Ocean just off the Palisades that would run across Mulholland, heading toward Brentwood. You can read that column here.
The seawater would be available for firefighting purposes. In addition to the pipeline, I proposed a big seawater storage tank above Brentwood, available to fight fires on a moment’s notice.
Think about it: We have an endless supply of seawater right in our backyard.
A pipeline with storage tanks can’t be that expensive to build. William Mulholland figured out how to do this over a century ago. In my column, I suggested Berggruen Institute build a 21st-century firefighting station up in the hills above Brentwood in exchange for approval for its new institute.
Wouldn’t that offer some peace of mind next time there’s a fire? We could fight fires from higher ground, with rapid access to all of Brentwood’s canyons, below. The proposal drew some chuckles at the time, but obviously, this is no laughing matter in light of the Palisades tragedy.
In recent days I’ve heard from people saying it’s a really good idea, especially if we want to rebuild the Palisades. If anything, the original idea was way too puny. So let me amend it.
Here is a video produced by an experienced firefighter who has used saltwater before, fighting fires both on ships and onshore. San Francisco has such a system in place as a backup:
We need to include the Palisades, Santa Monica, and Malibu in this proposal.
In fact, we should include all of Southern California. Seawater pipelines could run east, west, north, and south. Pipelines could run along our major thoroughfares and our Metro lines.
If we had seawater available to combat big fires everywhere, that would take a lot of pressure off our freshwater supplies. In addition to several seawater pipes and tanks – and new fire hoses and equipment that wouldn’t corrode if we use seawater – we need new, fireproof building materials for replacement housing.
We could make Palisades and future developments in the area the most fireproof on the planet.
Let’s not stop there: It’s time to build some desalinization plants along the coast. Lack of drinking water is a never-ending threat in Southern California.
We have an opportunity to create some long-lasting good out of today’s tragedy. Think of all the jobs we could create. Maybe members of our unhoused communities could be put to work building our new pipeline system.
We need to think big. Survival is at stake.
If there are still skeptics, let’s have Palisades and Brentwood lead the way with a pilot project. Let’s see how the system works next time there’s a fire. We all know there will be a next time.
Got other ideas you’d like to contribute? I’d love to hear from you: jeffhall@mirrormediagroupla.com.