SLO Kirk Publishes Stats for the Last Week of Feb. to Early March
By Senior Lead Officer Matthew Kirk
Senior Lead Officer has completed the latest crime report which shows a bit of a drop in the number of crimes committed in Brentwood in the six days that the report covers. It seems as if two different types of crimes experienced an upswing on the same day within hours of each other. The report covers the last week of February and the first weekend in March.
02-26-25 19:50 Hrs, 1500 Block of Sorrento Dr, suspect(s) smashed rear glass door and enter residence. Once inside the suspect(s) ransacked rooms and removed property. Property taken was jewelry.
02-26-25 09:45 Hrs, 11400 Block of Sunset Blvd, Suspect entered hotel parking garage and forcibly opened garage office door and removed property. Property taken was a tablet and laptop computer. Suspect was a male white approx. 5’7” and 170 lbs in his 40’s.
None Reported
ADW (Assault With Deadly Weapon):
None reported
BFMV (Burglary from motor vehicle)/ TFMV (Theft from Motor Vehicle)
02-28-25 21:30 Hrs / 03-01-25 20:30 Hrs, 1100 Block of S. Barrington Ave, Susp(s) entered vehicle by unknown means and removed property. Property taken was the key fob and the garage clicker.
02-28-25 17:00 Hrs, 11900 Block of Darlington Ave, Suspect forced open rear door of UPS truck and removed packages.
02-28-25 16:30 Hrs, 11700 Block of Goshen Ave, Susp(s) used unknown tool to open rear of postal truck and removed postal key.
GTA (Grand Theft Auto
02-24-25 19:00 Hrs / 02-25-25 09:00 Hrs, 11600 Block of Kiowa Ave, a Hyundai Tucson was taken from parking garage.
None Reported