Please continue to keep your bicycle in your residence, or in your locked garage.
Bicycles are being removed from Balconies, Carports, and Subterranean garages.
All bicycles taken were locked to a pole or fence.
ROBBERY……..Taking property by force or fear
1900 N. Sepulveda Blvd 04/19/11 1300 hrs
RD 804 Handgun
Cash and cell phones taken
Suspects: Male Hisps Blk Drk 600 170 lbs 25 -30 yrs
Suspects Vehicle: 05/06 Chev SUV Dk Gray
GRAND THEFT AUTO ………. Lock your vehicle, and set your alarm………
BURGLARY/THEFT from MOTOR VEHICLE …….Never leave anything inside your vehicle…….
17000 Mulholland Dr 04/18/11 1600 hrs
RD 804 Smashed vehicle window
Cash, purse, and wallet taken
11400 Bolas St 04/19/11 2015 hrs
RD 814 Smashed vehicle window
Laptop and bag taken
11400 Berwick St 04/19/11 2345 hrs
RD 814 Smashed vehicle window
Cash and laptops taken
300 S. Beloit Ave 04/20/11 0400 hrs
RD 814 Smashed vehicle window
Cash, purse, and Cell phone taken
1800 Kimberly Ln 04/23/11 1800 hrs
RD 812 Unlocked vehicle
Cell phone taken
BURGLARY …..Always lock your home and business and set your alarm….
800 N. Bundy Dr 04/22/11 1230 hrs
RD 813 Smashed glass door
TV, cash, and jewelry taken
600 S. Bundy Dr 04/22/11 1300 hrs
RD 826 Open window
Computer and router taken
THEFT …….Construction sites are being broken into, be on the look out….
11700 San Vicente Ave 04/19/11 2055 hrs
RD 827 Cell phone taken from store
Suspect ID
100 S. Westgate Ave 04/21/11 1100 hrs
RD 826 Cell phone and purse taken from kitchen
400 Beloit Ave 04/19/11 1100 hrs
RD 814 Smashed vehicle window
11600 Montana Ave 04/23/11 1410 hrs
RD 827 Vehicle driven into parking pole
Suspect ID
400 N. Bristol Ave 04/23/11 1715 hrs
RD 812 Smashed vehicle window
SEX (Crimes)