An innovative musical mash-up of contemporary songs with traditional Hebrew prayer will be held this Saturday, June 14 at the Village Lutheran Church at 343 Church Lane in Brentwood at 10 am.
Ahavat Torah is making a bold attempt to make the traditional Hebrew prayer service more accessible, more alluring and, perhaps, even more meaningful for Jews who don’t ordinarily attend Shabbat services.
In the Prayer + Pop Shabbat the soulful music and lyrics of James Taylor, Paul Simon, Motown, and The Beatles will be performed as a means of spiritually transporting the congregation into the depths of our Hebrew prayers.
Rabbis often explain the “kavanah” (intentionality) of each prayer to a congregation before chanting it.
The Prayer + Pop Shabbat will use pop songs as unique “kavanot”, to put the congregation in the proper mindset to embrace the prayer that follows it.
By carefully pairing the music and lyrics of a similarly-themed popular song with each
Hebrew prayer, the goal is to create a spiritual alchemy that brings a deeper meaning, connection and enjoyment of Shabbat services to our congregants, guests and visitors.
It promises to be a spirited and spiritual experience.
The vocalists for this musical service will be Ahavat Torah’s Cantorial soloists Kimberly Haynes and Gary Levine. Musical accompaniment will be provided by Joel Warren and Eli Shirim Lester.
Ahavat Torah is small, spirited and welcoming congregation on the Westside led by Rabbi Miriam Hamrell.
This special service is supported, in part, with funds from the Jewish Federation, and is open, free of charge, to all.
For more information visit, visit www.ahavattorahla.org.