By Jeff Hall
Last Friday, students worldwide are participated in the climate strike. Archer School for Girls bused around 80 young women Downtown so they could join the protest.
It was an excused absence for all, and teachers and parents supported the students’ involvement wholeheartedly.
The worldwide “climate strike” was inspired by Greta Thunberg of Sweden. Greta is only 16.
Today’s students are very inspiring. They seem to be the adults in the room.
Too many adults sold out along the way and now can’t even consider that maybe guns, pollution, income inequality, astronomical student debt and a ballooning deficit might catch up with us one day.
That would be bad for business today.
I told the students I met today that when I was their age we used to protest against the Vietnam War. I think it made a difference.
As Ronald Reagan once said, “When you can’t make them see the light, make them feel the heat.”

Joan of Arc was only 18 when she led the French Army to victory over the English in the battle of Orléans in 1430.
She literally felt the heat as she was burned at the stake by the English a year later.
But we remember her all these centuries later.
It’s appropriate to focus on heat, because that’s what today’s protest is all about — global warming.
It is said that if you toss a frog into a pot of boiling water, it will jump right back out.
If you place the same frog in the same pot but turn up the heat slowly, it will just sit there comfortably till it dies when the water becomes too hot.
Is that what too many of us are doing now? Sitting idly in a comfy pot of warm water as it slowly but surely increases in temperature?
Here’s to the kids who are trying to get our attention. Make us feel the heat, kids.