We are approaching the end of the year. The holidays are upon us. It’s a time to count our blessings.
We are, of course, blessed to live in Brentwood. It’s a beautiful part of the world, our weather is perfect, and we are surrounded by truly good people who believe in family, neighborliness, pets, community, and progress.
While we live in a divided world, politically, we are lucky to live in a place where people generally get along, cut each other a little slack, and look for common-sense solutions we can all live with.
What I’m describing, really, is the current state of the Brentwood Community Council (BCC). It’s a great organization that has more than lived up to its original promise.
Pam Brown, Traci Park, Sean Silva, Maddie Alfano, and Daren Reifsneider at a recent holiday party held at Carolyn Jordan’s residence for members of the Brentwood Community Council.
We are about to lose Carolyn Jordan as chair of the BCC. She is being termed out of office after two, 2-year stints.
Carolyn’s tenure has been an “Era of Good Feelings” (which, for you history buffs, is a real term describing a long-ago time in America, from 1815 to 1824). Back then, everyone actually got along!
This “Era of Good Feelings” is largely owing to Carolyn’s friendly and collaborative approach. I don’t think I’ve ever seen her growl at anyone. She has also been highly focused on getting things done. She isn’t in this for her ego, that’s clear.
More younger people are now involved with BCC, thanks to Carolyn’s outreach efforts. The homeless encampment next to the VA is now gone. Gone also is the encampment in front of Rosti, on Barrington, just south of San Vicente.
Fire safety and crime prevention remain top priorities, as always. Carolyn is very plugged in with public officials at all levels.
Under Carolyn’s leadership, the BCC redesigned its logo and revamped its website. These might not sound like big deals, but they are, really. The BCC is now becoming more social media savvy, increasing ways to keep Brentwoodians in the loop.
BCC’s new logo.
Trees are always a big deal in Brentwood. The BCC has done a lot to remove broken Coral Trees and plant new ones. The BCC spearheaded the effort to get the park at Brentwood Science Magnet School reopened on Sundays, during the Brentwood Farmers Market.
The BCC turned 25 during Carolyn’s tenure, and a very nice gathering was assembled at Brentwood Country Club to celebrate. Some who were “there at the beginning” are no longer with us, but quite a few are still going strong. They remain dedicated to the cause.
Even local politics at the BCC level can get testy from time to time, but we haven’t seen that for quite a while now. Carolyn deserves the credit. She leads by example. “Collegial” is a good way to describe her style – and that of the BCC.
If only our elected officials – local, state, and federal – would all follow her lead!
Another Carolyn – Carolyn LoBuglio – will take over as Chair of the Brentwood Community Council in January. Carolyn LoBuglio is a real estate agent with Coldwell Banker Realty. She is a graduate of UCLA (BA, in communication) and got her MBA at Pepperdine.
More on Carolyn LoBuglio and other BCC officers’ next issue! Members of the Brentwood Community Council don’t get paid for what they do, so say “thanks” next time you get a chance.
Carolyn LoBuglio, incoming BCC chair, and Traci Park, CD11 Councilwoman.