I’ve never understood political leaders like LA County District Attorney George Gascon, who put personal ideology over practical results.
Gascon seems determined to prove something, but I’m not sure what it is he’s trying to prove, exactly.
Is it that we should feel sorry for criminals and, therefore and, let them off easy?
Will that help us show that we’re somehow “compassionate”?
Gascon’s approach to law enforcement reminds me of former City Councilman Mike Bonin saying letting homeless individuals sleep in our parks, on our sidewalks or on our beaches was somehow compassionate.
But leaving the homeless to live for years out in the open isn’t compassionate, nor is allowing dangerous criminals to run free. That’s not fair to the general population.
And don’t we owe some compassion to actual victims of crime?

“For the last three and half years, we’ve been living with a DA who has been running a social experiment,” said Brentwood resident Nathan Hochman, who is running to replace Gascon.
Hochman basically said Gascon’s social experiment has failed. Crime of all types is way up, he said.
Hochman recently gave a presentation in Tom Safran’s Brentwood backyard. Safran has been hosting these fundraisers for years.
Cops feel handcuffed, continued Hochman. If they arrest someone, they know that person will likely be back on the streets later the same day.
Some genuinely scary people are out there who kill, beat, rob or rape people.
Even your run-of-the-mill shoplifter causes huge damage to businesses and the communities they serve.
If a local pharmacy closes a location because too many thefts make operating the store unprofitable, aren’t customers in that neighborhood hurt, as well?

LA County deputy district attorneys are demoralized, according to Hochman, because they’re not being allowed to do their jobs. Those who dare question Gascon get sent to much lesser assignments, often in faraway places.
The LA District Attorney’s Office is down 200 prosecutors. Applications for assistant district attorney positions are way down, continued Hochman.
The LA County Sheriff’s Department has a hard time recruiting new officers (the department is down 1,000 officers). Hochman was basically describing what is often referred to as a “doom spiral.” If nothing changes; things seem likely to become only worse.
Hochman said he has the experience and the temperament to do this right, turn things around.
Hochman is a graduate of Brown University and Stanford Law School. He clerked for a judge, is a former assistant US attorney, and has worked to root out public corruption. He also served, for a while, as president of the LA City Ethics Commission.
He spent a year in Washington working at the Justice Department, prosecuting tax evaders.
He has also worked as a defense attorney. He has seen how the system works from all angles. He has 34 years of experience practicing law.
Hochman said he will “have the backs” of the law enforcement community.
After much needed rebuilding, LA will have – or at least strive have – the best department in the country, he said.

In what was a surprise to me – and to many others, I’m guessing – Hochman said George Gascon has never prosecuted – or defended – a single case in his entire career.
It’s time to be practical, and people know it. Polls show Hochman way up. He is an excellent public speaker and presents exceedingly well. Everything he said sounded like common sense to me.
It’s hard to imagine it won’t be a landslide, with Hochman coming out on top. I believe Hochman will restore pride to the department.
Hochman grew up in Beverly Hills and now lives in Brentwood with his wife. Their three kids are grown and on their own. They all went to Brentwood School. The Hochmans own a dog, a chocolate lab named Lieu.
In recent years, Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, Rick Caruso, Alex Padilla, Gavin Newsom, Adam Schiff, Zev Yaroslavsky, and many others have been invited to make presentations in Tom Safran’s backyard.
Attendees don’t have to make a contribution, but the office seekers who are invited to present surely appreciate any financial support they receive.
It’s a wonderful public service Tom Safran provides. We’re lucky to have him as our friend and neighbor. He does a lot for Brentwood that you never hear about.
Want to get in touch? Send me an email: jeffhall@mirrormediagroupla.com.