Every May, the Brentwood Community Council presents certificates of recognition to local high schoolers who, in addition to being great students, go “above and beyond” in terms of extracurricular activities that make for a better world.
Students and their proud parents attend. Same with teachers and principals. Sometimes grandparents and siblings show up.
Elected officials and their local field reps arrive, certificates in hand. Everything is upbeat and celebratory.
It’s a wonderful tradition, originally conceived by the late Loretta Ditlow, who served on the Brentwood Community Council years ago.
On May 8, at the monthly meeting of the BCC, the 19th award ceremony was held.
The event is inspiring, really.
As Nick Melvoin, Brentwood’s elected representative to the LAUSD school board put it: “People ask me, ‘How do you stay so optimistic?’ My answer: ‘I spend time at our schools.’”
Kaitlin Morgan is a student at Pali High who “radiates optimism.” She has been an active student mentor, working with other students who need to brush up on their academic skills. She also provides content marketing services on the side. She is headed to San Francisco State in the fall.
Enkhsaruul Sandagsuren, or “Ink” for short, is the editor of University High’s newspaper. She is also president of the student body and an accomplished student-athlete.
Remi Cannon of Archer School for Girls promotes better mental health among teens. She will start at Reed College in the fall and will major in psychology.
These three represent the next generation of leadership. Goodness knows we could use some of that.
Brentwood has always been blessed with great schools, students, parents, teachers, and principals.
Good luck, all, we’re counting on you!
Nick Melvoin introduces Kaitlyn Morgan of Palisades High.
Nick Melvoin and Remi Cannon of Archer School for Girls.
Elected officials and their representatives hand out a lot of certificates on this special night each year.
Members of the Brentwood Community Council watch approvingly.