The San Vicente tree-watering initiative – otherwise known as “Brentwood Beautiful” – seems to have branched out to the younger generations of Brentwood.
It is not every day that a community initiative catches the interest of an incoming seventh grader, but Daniella Wilson, who could very well be one of Brentwood’s youngest volunteers, recently offered to join forces with Teri Redman Kahn and Nancy Freedman, the women who initially developed the idea. Kahn and Freedman got the ball rolling in weeks past by asking local businesses to give a gallon of water a day to the London plane trees that speckle San Vicente Boulevard.
Earlier this week, Wilson helped Kahn and Freedman hand out yellow “Brentwood Beautiful” water buckets to the businesses on San Vicente Boulevard as thank-you gifts for their help in sustaining the plane trees. The buckets will now be able to further assist the local businesses more efficiently water the trees.
Wilson’s motives are simple and sensible: her volunteer efforts stemmed from the fact that she genuinely cares about her hometown.
“I’ve lived in Brentwood my whole life,” Wilson said. “I think it’s important to help beautify the community.”
Though she is only 12 years old, Wilson refuses to let her age act as a hindrance and views her youth as an asset instead.
“I believe that you can’t be too young to make a difference,” Wilson said. “Being young can be used as a strength, not a weakness.”
Wilson’s eloquence and outspokenness are clear markers of the fact that she is wise beyond her years, and nicely complement her proactivity and volunteerism.
Wilson has visited the local businesses on San Vicente twice thus far, once with Freedman and Kahn and once with her brother, covering half the Boulevard on both occasions.
“My favorite part of this community is that it’s a great place to hang out and meet people,” Wilson said. “I want to help make Brentwood the best that it could possibly be.”