Brentwood Community Council
Agenda – Tuesday, October 6, 2009, 7:00 – 9:15pm
Brentwood Kaufman Library – 11820 San Vicente Blvd.
(enter before library door is locked at 8:00pm)
Email: Tel: (310) 472-2908
1. Call to Order and Introductions
2. Correction and Approval of Minutes – September 1, 2009
3. Treasurer’s Report – Steve Gilbert, Treasurer
4. Public Safety Report
* Phillip Enbody, Senior Lead Officer
* Raymond Klein, BCC Public Safety Representative
5. Government Reports
* Ellen Isaacs, Representative of Assemblymember Mike Feuer
* Jennifer Badger, West Area Director, Mayor of Los Angeles
* Chelsea Dickerson, State Veterans Home construction update
* Jessyca Avalos, Field Deputy, Councilmember Bill Rosendahl
6. Presentation by DWP Trunk Line Design group regarding upcoming project in Brentwood Glen area; Amanda An, Pat Acosta
(see attached description)
7. Wireless Telecommunications Facilities Issues; Chris Spitz, Pacific Palisades Residents Association
8. Mission of Brentwood 90049, Nancy Freedman; Mission of Brentwood Beautiful, Barbara Goldenberg; Mission of Brentwood Green, Jackie Raymond
9. Public Comment – two minute limit per speaker
10. BCC Reports
* Marylin Krell, Chair, San Vicente Subcommittee
* Chuck Kahn, Chair, Transportation Committee
* Wendy-Sue Rosen, Chair, Land Use Committee (see attached matters)
11. Announcements
12. Motion to Adjourn
Item 6
DWP Project
The project involves the removal of 250 feet of existing 42-inch diameter welded steel pipe and replacing it with 60-inch diameter steel welded pipe in Church Lane, south of the intersection of Church Lane and Sunset Boulevard. The project will also include installing about 2,300 feet of 36-inch diameter steel welded pipe from Church Lane to Kiel Street, continuing along Beloit Avenue from Kiel Street to Farlin Street. The new 36-inch trunk line will then connect to an existing 37-inch trunk line located at the intersection of Beloit Avenue and Farlin Street.
Item 10
Land Use Committee Matters
1. CUBs – LPQ; Cabo Cantina; Literati; Stuzzichini; Q’s
2. VA Quarterly Stakeholder’s meeting
3. Stephen S. Wise Temple
4. Terra Cotta
5. Sullivan Canyon/Gas Co (see permits at username: public password: 4ty8924)