BCC to meet second Wednesday of each month.
By Sam Catanzaro
The Brentwood Community Council (BCC) is changing the dates of their board meetings for 2019 to the second Wednesday of each month. Previously, the board met on the first Wednesday of each month.
The BCC is the broadest-based Brentwood community organization, representing approximately 50,000 stakeholders of the community. Their board meetings are open to the public and take place once a month from 7 to around 9 p.m. at the Brentwood Kaufman Libray (11820 San Vicente Blvd.). The change from the first Wednesday to the second Wednesday of each month is to help the librarians close the library more efficiently, according to BCC Chair Michelle Bisnoff.
This change means that the BCC will meet this Wednesday, January 9. Topics up for discussion in Wednesday’s meeting include the West LA VA Master Plan Programmatic
Environmental Impact Statement, garbage related complaints from Brentwood residents and homeless sanitation cleanups on Bringham and San Vicente avenues that were conducted on January 3 and 4. For the full agenda, visit https://brentwoodcommunitycouncil.org/agendas-board-meetings.