Government Reports –
Ellen Isaacs, representative for Assembly member Mike Feuer reported:
It was a very good month for Assembly member Feuer’s bills; twenty of them have advanced to the State Senate for hearings in policy committees this month. Of the six transportation-related bills, three are in the Senate, including the ½ cent countywide sales tax, the carbon emissions fee and infrastructure financing districts. A proposed constitutional amendment is being held in the Assembly Transportation Committee while we gauge support.
Jennifer Rivera, CD-11 Field Deputy
Ms. Rivera reported the following:
Wachovia Signs – Wachovia had been cited with an order to comply by the Department of Building and Safety for its signs being out of compliance with its permit. The signs have been turned off temporarily until they are brought into compliance. Chairwoman Rosen thanked the Council Office for its help in this matter and reported that she has been in communication with a Wachovia executive who has assured her that Wachovia will bring its signs into compliance with its permit and they will also install a splitter so the Brentwood-facing sign will be turned off in the evening so that it does not shine into the windows of the surrounding community.
Landmark Project – The BCC submitted a letter to the City requesting that the project at Barrington and Wilshire be required to do environmental review on its construction-related environmental impacts. The City Attorney is now reviewing the BCC’s letter.
Big Blue Bus Stop Presentation
Joe Stitcher, Assistant Director of Transit Operations:
Homeowners of a condominium project at the southwest corner of Montana Avenue and Bundy Drive have requested that a bus stop be removed from the west side of Bundy south of Montana, alleging that individuals waiting for the bus have caused harm to their condominiums. Mr. Stitcher explained that his department had already responded to complaints by moving the bus stop 20 feet south and away from the condominium entrance. He has also explored three alternatives: 1) removing the bus stop; 2) rerouting the transfer point; 3) leaving the stop where it is and adding a handicap platform. According to Mr. Stitcher, if the bus stop were eliminated, passengers would be required to walk 1/10 mile south to Bundy and Dorothy or 1/5 mile north to San Vicente and Montana. Mr. Stitcher said that BBB was not in favor of limiting access to transportation.
Chairwoman Rosen formed a committee to review the alternatives.
Construction in residential neighborhoods: community concerns:
Bruce Jugan, a member of the BHA board of directors, made a comprehensive presentation on “Construction in Residential Neighborhoods: Community Concerns.†Mr. Jugan itemized a variety of disturbances and nuisances caused by construction.
Working with Councilman Rosendahl’s office, Mr. Jugan wrote a list of construction-related questions and received responses from various City Agencies. The resulting “Construction Q & A†can be downloaded from the BHA web site:
The Construction Q & A reveals the necessity for legislative action. On May 21, Councilman Rosendahl introduced a motion to City Council to create an inter-agency task force including LADBS, LAPD, Engineering, Street Services, Public Works and the City Attorney’s Office to examine the need for changing the hours of construction in the City of Los Angeles (Motion 08-1291). This task force has 60 days to submit a report to the City Council with recommendations.
Mr. Jugan also reported that the BHA and Councilman Rosendahl have been discussing other strategies for reducing or eliminating construction related nuisances, which include creating a Brentwood Special Planning District with local Planning and Building Department oversight with controls specific to this district. The BCC will evaluate these suggestions and consider taking a formal position on these items at a future meeting.
The BCC applauded Mr. Jugan’s efforts and thanked him for his work.
Community Council Announcements –
Dennis Hinman reported that there are numerous violations of the public right of way on San Vicente Blvd, including right-of-way obstructions by real estate “for sale†signs, non-permitted outdoor restaurant seating, valet stands and umbrellas. Mr. Hinman will write a letter to Brentwood News and send copies to the San Vicente Design Review Board and the BCC.
Jackie Raymond, Brentwood Green, reminded the Council that no individual or group might place banners on the Brentwood Science Magnet School fence without the express permission of Brentwood Green.
Mary Sidell, Director of Institutional Advancement, Brentwood School, announced that Brentwood School has met with BHA, BCC Land Use Committee, Brentwood Village merchants, and Residential Neighbors of the Brentwood School (RNBS) to review the school’s Master Plan prior to the EIR process. They continue to meet with RNBS to further revise the Master Plan in response to the Neighbors. Howard Jaskol reported that the school has been outstanding in the way they have handled this project. Brentwood School will keep the BCC informed on its progress.
Christina McIntosh of Archer School announced that Archer School and Brentwood School have coordinated their calendars and they will not hold any major events on the same days or evenings during the upcoming school year. This should help with congestion and parking pressures in the Village.
Upcoming meetings: July 1, 2008. August 5, 2008. September 2, 2008. October 7, 2008. November 4, 2008. December 2, 2008.
Future Presentations will include an improvement project for the Barrington Dog Park, San Vicente Design Review Board presentation, Graffiti Abatement services, 405/Caltrans project, Brentwood School EIR progress, Barry Building update, Stream Ordinance, Barrington Recreation Center progress, Public Safety presentations from Police and Fire.
There will be no BCC meeting on July 1. The BCC meets regularly on the first Tuesday of each month at the Brentwood Kaufman Library. The BCC agenda is posted at the Brentwood Kaufman Library one week prior to the meeting date. To receive the BCC’s monthly agenda by e-mail, contact Chairwoman Wendy-Sue Rosen at or visit the BCC website:
(Sue Casamassima serves as Recording Secretary and Representative of Zone 8 – Brentwood Glen)