With the holiday season fast approaching, the Brentwood Community Council issued the following information to remind residents to be vigilant:
Oftentimes, the holiday season brings with it reports of increased residential burglaries and thefts from motor vehicles. This year, with the economic situation as it is coupled with high unemployment figures, we must be especially vigilant to prevent crime. The holiday season is a time for celebration and caution. In our neighborhood, there have been a number of recent burglaries and want to remind all to reduce vulnerabilities and to look out for your own property and your neighbors’.
Police say one of the most effective tools to prevent home burglaries is for homeowners and neighbors to be aware and to report suspicious people or activities. Other tips include:
- Keep the outside of your home well-lit at night with doors and windows locked and curtains closed.
- Make your home appear to be occupied even when you are out during the day (and night). Leave a radio on. Make certain mail is not left visible after delivery.
- Do not display gifts beneath the Christmas tree that can be seen from the street. Do not allow valuable electronics to be visible from outside your windows.
- After the holidays, do not advertise gifts by leaving boxes out for garbage collection. Instead, flatten and place them in your recycle bin.
Also, if you’ll be away from home during the holidays:
- Don’t advertise (such as on social media) that you’ll be gone. (Make certain your children are not revealing family travel plans on internet postings.) Do not have vacation messages forwarded to all from your computer. (These types of messages can be sent to “contacts only.”)
- Forward your phone calls. Do not leave a message on your phone answering machine indicating you or your family will be away or on vacation and unable to return calls.
- Suspend newspaper deliveries and have your mail held at the post office (or have a neighbor remove them in a timely manner.)
- Have a neighbor watch your home, take in trash cans, etc.
- Make sure your home looks occupied while you are away.
- Have a neighbor park their car in your driveway.
- Use timers on your lights and radios, etc.
- If you see individuals of concern call the non-emergency LAPD phone number immediately.
- Take a moment to review the security measures around your home.
We have been told many, many times by the LAPD officers in our area, that burglaries from motor vehicles (our cars) are the crimes of highest incidence here. They are also the most preventable crimes. Our cars are broken into because someone can SEE something that they want. What do thieves want? Your GPS unit, your purse, your laptop computer, your cell phone, your holiday gifts.
If you have something of value and you need to leave it in the car as you make additional stops, place them in your trunk.