During this period Burglary Theft from Motor Vehicles, and Grand Theft Vehicles increased.
Please lock your vehicle, set your alarms and remove everything from the inside.
The below listed crimes, are grouped by type, street and listed by hundred blocks, not by exact addresses.
Robbery (definition: Someone takes your property from you by force or fear)
1 Bank Cash taken by demand note. LOCATION: 11600 Wilshire Blvd
Prevention: be aware of your surroundings don’t carry large sums of money, and never display your money or jewelry in public.
Burglary (definition: Someone enters a dwelling and removes your property without your permission)
6 Residences were broken into. 2 had their door or window smashed, 1 had their door pried open, and 3 had left their doors and windows open. Items taken were Cash, Jewelry and Safe.
LOCATIONS: 11300 Gladwin St., 3100 Corda Dr., 800 S. Bundy Dr., 700 N Bundy Dr., 600 Tigertail Road, and 400 Kenter Ave.
Prevention: Always lock your home or business and set your alarm.
Grand Theft Auto (definition: Someone takes your vehicle without your permission)
5 vehicle were taken
400 S. Church Lane, 11600 Goshen Ave, 11800 Goshen Ave, and 11900 Kiowa Ave.
Prevention: Lock your vehicle, and set your alarm
Burglary/Theft from Motor Vehicles (definition: Someone enters your vehicle without permission)
23 vehicles were broken into last month. 1 Pried Door, 4 were unlocked, and 18 had their windows smashed. Property taken from the vehicles were Cash, IPOD’s, Bags, Clothes, Cell Phones, Sunglasses, camera, computer, passport, speakers, stereo, and boxing glover.
LOCATIONS: 11900 Kearsarge Ave, 11900 Mayfield Ave. St, 11800 Goshen Ave, 11800 Darlington Ave, 11700 Darlington Ave 11700 Mayfield Ave, 11600 Montana Ave, 11600 Darlington Ave, 11300 Gladwin Ave, 1100 Wellesley Ave, 900 Granville Ave, 500 S. Barrington Ave, 400 S. Barrington Ave, 300 N. Bristol Ave, 300 S. Carmelina Ave, 200 N. Layton Ave, 200 S. Church Lane, and 100 S. Granville Ave.
Prevention: Do not leave anything inside your vehicle, always lock and set your vehicles alarm
Battery / Aggravated Assault (definition: Someone strikes you)
3 community members were involved in a altercation
11400 San Vicente Blvd, 11600 Wilshire Blvd, and 12000 Goshen Ave.
Prevention: Avoid verbal confrontations, they lead to physical confrontations
Theft (definition: Someone takes your property without your permission)
7 Crimes occurred where Cash, Clothes, Camera, and Laptop were taken
LOCATIONS: 12000 Wilshire Blvd, 11700 Mayfield Ave, 500 Avondale Ave, 400 S. Bundy Dr., 500 S. Barrington Ave 100 N. Anita Ave, and 100 N. Church Lane.
Prevention: Secure all unattended property.
You cannot rely on the police department to combat crime, you have to protect and secure your property. Be a good neighbor; keep your eyes and ears open. Call 911 or 877- ASK-LAPD…
If you need to contact me, call me at (310) 444-0744 or by E-mail at 24914@lapd.lacity.org