By Jerry Adomian
Special to Brentwood News

Brentwood Hills Homeowners Association (BHHA) held its annual meeting and party Sunday, Oct. 18 at 2260 Westridge Rd., thanks to the generosity of the homeowner. This was a wonderful setting for the event. There was food, drink, a balloon artist for the kids, and entertainment.
Residents of Brentwood Hills were encouraged to join the board and to volunteer as a block captain. We held our annual election of Directors to the BHHA’s board and voted on proposed adjustments to our bylaws. Potential new members were encouraged to join us, to voice their concerns, and to get to know their Board members and neighbors. We learned about the important issues that BHHA actively watches over for the community. These included traffic on Sunset Boulevard, protection of the wilderness parkland surrounding our neighborhood, working with LAFD on fire protection, working to better secure Brentwood Hills, and working with local and state officials on other important issues to our community.
Guests included Dave Wright, head of the Sunset Coalition. The coalition was established in response to the recent ruling by the City Council enabling the Archer School for Girls’ dramatic expansion at Sunset and Barrington Avenue, and the ensuing traffic nightmare. Other guests included LAPD representatives, Capt. Tina Nieto and Senior Lead Officer Maria Gray. Unfortunately, LAFD had a call so their representatives could not attend.
Looking forward to another successful event next year.
Jerry Adomian is Director of the BHHA and Safety Alternate in the Brentwood Community Council.