ROBBERY……..Taking property by force or fear
GRAND THEFT AUTO ………. Lock your vehicle, and set your alarm………
BURGLARY/THEFT from MOTOR VEHICLE …….Never leave anything inside your vehicle…….
12/26/11 2300/1115 hrs RD 0827 11700 Sunset Blvd. Subterranean Unlocked Cash and clothes
12/26/11 2340/1220 hrs RD 0827 11700 Sunset Blvd. Subterranean Unlocked IPAD and GPS
BURGLARY …..Always lock your home and business and set your alarm….
12900 Marlboro St. RD 0825
12/25/11 1200/1400 hrs, Unk suspects smashed rear window and removed jewelry.
12500 The Vista, RD 0804
12/26/11 1730/1830 hrs, Unk suspect smashed the rear bedroom door, removed watches and jewelry.
Suspect: Male 507-10 150/70 lbs
12200 Shetland Ln. RD 0825
12/27/11 1530/0005 hrs, Unk suspects pried the front door open, and removed jewelry, and a laptop.
11900 Dorothy Ave, RD 0831
12/28/11 0700/1730 hrs, Unk suspects pried the sliding door, and removed a stereo system
100 S. Barrington Pl. RD 0827
12/28/11 1745/0320 hrs, Unk suspects kicked the front door open, and removed jewelry, handbags, and sun glasses.
1000 Gretna Green Way. RD 0831
12/29/11 1200/1300 hrs, Unk suspects entered by cutting a hole in the wall, removed Cash, laptops, and IPADs
12200 Shetland Ln. RD 0825
12/29/11 1400/2130 hrs, Unk suspects pried the front door open, and unk what items were taken.
300 S. Bundy Dr. RD 0826
12/29/11 1700/2230 hrs, Unk suspects pried the front door open,and removed Cash, and jewelry
12200 Darlington Ave. RD 831
12/31/11 1845/1230 hrs, UNK suspects pried the rear door open, removed Jewelry, firearm, and Xbox taken
THEFT …….Construction sites are being broken into, be on the look out….
Grand Theft:
12/29/11 1500 hrs, 11900 Dorothy St. RD 0831 Bicycle
Suspect: Male Hisp Blk 510 160 lbs 50-55 yrs
Petty Theft:
12/31/11 1200 hrs, 200 S. Barrington Ave RD 0827 Cell Phone
12/28/11 1900 hrs, 11800 Mayfield Ave, 2 vehicles scratched
SEX (Crimes)
If you see anything that you feel is suspicious, but not an emergency, go to . It allows citizens to document suspicious activity quickly, easily, and anonymously. This web site contributes to the safety of
our community and to the prevention of crime. The database is accessed only by the LAPD.