The Brentwood Community Council presented Youth Citizen Awards to several students and one teacher for exemplifying leadership, innovation, dedication and courage.
Committee Chair Loretta Ditlow (who founded the award program ten years ago) along with members Bette Harris, Jackie Raymond and Nancy Babcock presented the following awards:
St Martin of Tours School,
Junior High grades 6, 7 and 8
Several days during the year, students brought ingredients to school and made sandwiches in the school kitchen. The Director of Youth Ministry delivered the sandwiches to a local homeless shelter or food bank, feeding several hundred people during the year. In another program, students raised money to buy farm animals for families in Africa. The award was accepted by student council President Jamie Daigle and Vice President Christopher Alexander.
Brentwood School
Senior Briana Monkarsh performed approximately 440 hours of community service. She tutored a special needs buddy each week at the Friendship Circle; tutored and mentored elementary school children at the Maple Counseling Center; served as president of the school’s Benefacta Board, which oversees the school’s service learning activities.
Senior Simon Brooks served on the Benefacta Board, overseeing service activities; coached children at Barrington Park; was captain of the varsity basketball team; a peer leader; Brentwood Theater Company member; packed and distributed food through One Voice and volunteered at Foster Camp over the summer.
Exceptional Teacher Award: Lisa Glick, Coordinator of Community Service Learning, Brentwood Lower School. For the past fourteen years, Glick has helped guide students to explore their community, identify problems and find meaningful ways of being of service.
Archer School for Girls
Jennifer Hourani was an active member of Archer’s Community Service Board, which hosts an annual community service fair and holds weekly meetings to help students identify service projects. She is on the executive board of Green Youth Movement, which helps young children become environmentally aware. On a service trip to Fiji, Hourani helped build a footpath around one of the villages.
Palisades Charter High School
Peter Atkinson, a senior at Palisades Charter High School, has volunteered hundreds of hours at Brentwood Green weeding, watering, and planting trees. He studies music at the Colburn School of Performing Arts, is a talented French horn player and has performed at many underserved schools and nursing homes.
Senior Arianna Fisher worked at Camp Harmony with under-privileged youth for the past four years. She leads the Buddy Program, which mentors children with special needs.
Connor MacGillivray, a senior, brings his youthful and enthusiastic energy to work with Camp Harmony students in Malibu. As senior patrol leader of Boy Scout Troop 117 and an Eagle Scout, he designed, funded, and built a bike shop for the Pacific Lodge Boys Home.