A couple of Los Angeles Councilman Mike Bonin’s staff members were observed at a graffiti-filled stone wall at a compound now called Murphy’s Ranch at the west edge of Brentwood with a paint can, rollers, and brushes on Friday, May 16.
Could one believe their eyes? Was that really the Councilman’s Senior Counsel, Norman Kulla?
Also present was the Councilman’s District Director Debbie Dyner Harris and constituent advocate Fred Sutton. Were they there to express their graffiti artistry? One could think that. But, one should not jump to any conclusion.
In fact, the Councilman’s staff was there with several other residents from Brentwood and the Palisades who had volunteered their time.

Everyone hiked a couple of miles to reach the compound to paint over the enormous quantity of graffiti, and to help pick up hundreds of bottles, spray paint cans, and miscellaneous trash.
Murphy Ranch, located off the Rustic Canyon Trail, was a Nazi commune in the making until the man behind it all was arrested during WWII by the FBI.
The compound includes an abandoned house, a nursery, demolished machine shop, fences, and a reservoir, all of which were completely covered with graffiti.
Even portions of the road leading to the ranch were not spared.
Graffiti clean up participants met at the entrance to the road early. After a few hours of intensive work, the lower portion of the house front had been repainted.
Volunteers were not allowed to go on the upper level due to liability issues.
Additionally, volunteers did the entire length of a very long stone retaining wall and the visible side of a long stairway leading up the hill to the former nursery.
It was satisfying to see the improvement. But, much still needs to be done.
Hopefully, the work will last and not be painted over by those disrespecting the environment.