Self-Improvement Expert Dr. John McGrail shares tips and techniques to help everyone
By Staff Writer
Self-Improvement Expert Dr. John McGrail deals with the psychological and spiritual effects of the Corona Virus crisis with his clients every day. Dr. McGrail believes that although many of us feel helpless and powerless, we don’t have to! Dr. McGrail has created a special series of YouTube videos with the hope of sharing tips and techniques to help everyone not just cope but get through this experience as safely, powerfully and healthily as possible.
Dr. McGrail explains that during a challenging and scary time like the one we’re going through right now, it’s really easy to feel helpless and hopeless, but nothing could be further from the truth. There is a LOT we can all do to help ourselves get through all of this as powerfully and safely as possible. In his first video, he offers two techniques to help you get started:
1) Boost your immune system through the power of thought. It often feels like life is happening to us, but we have enormous amounts of scientific evidence that points to the fact that we literally create our reality, and largely through our thoughts. Once or preferably twice a day, take about 5-10 minutes to just sit quietly. Close your eyes and notice your breath for a minute or two, then using all your imagination, picture, visualize, imagine or just think about your immunes system as strong, powerful, impenetrable; that you have a sphere of protective energy around you at all times wherever you go. Stay with it until you can “feel” it. Doing this twice a day for 3-4 days will literally boost your immune system by a large factor. Consistency is the key to success.

2) Maintain control and rationality by “pre-paving” your actions and responses. This is a technique often used by top tier athletes to help them get into what’s known as “the Zone.” If you have to be in a situation that might be stressful–say going out to the grocery store and watching the zaniness ensue– sit quietly for a few minutes before you go and create a mental movie of the way you want to respond– see yourself in your mind going through the experience and staying cool, calm, rational and un-phased by it all. Play it through a couple of times until it feels automatic. Then, when actually go, your subconscious can take over and enact the movie just the way you imagined it. You will be delighted with yourself.
These techniques take a little practice, but Dr. McGrail believes that they will prove useful tools.
In Dr. McGrail’s second video he speaks to the wonders of Hypnosis. This powerful tool is used to create change, growth and transformation in your life; for managing and eliminating excess stress and anxiety. However, Dr. McGrail warns that as a natural state of consciousness you can also hypnotize yourself into a very negative mindset. He reminds us that it’s important to remember that we all experience hypnosis every day; whenever we daydream, or get engrossed in a good book, a video game or watch a good movie or TV show and get hooked. This triggers an emotional experience, we are, in fact, in hypnosis; we are responding to suggestions that create very real feelings.
Dr. McGrail explains that with the Coronavirus situation, and especially with so many people staying at home, it’s really easy to turn on the TV and tune into one or more of the news channels and listen to hour upon hour of negative inputs or suggestions– all the gloom, doom, fear and panic. In other words, we can be hypnotized into a very negative, fearful mindset which not only doesn’t feel good, it’s unhealthy.
Thus, it’s important to balance or limit our media exposure. We want and need to stay informed but once you get the info you need, shut it off. Go outside, read a book, watch a movie or do a project to keep your mind focused on calm, control and empowerment. It feels better and helps you stay healthier, emotionally and physically.
Dr. John’s video series “A Better You in a Minute or Two,” will continue to update with useful videos dealing with this recent COVID 19 outbreak and how it directly affects our mental health and wellbeing. For more information about the work of Dr. McGrail, go to
About Dr. John McGrail: More than a clinical hypnotherapist. Dr. McGrail is an established self-improvement expert and a sought-after spiritual teacher who has become one of our country’s leading media experts and public speakers relating to personal growth and successful life transformation. His company, A Better You, Inc., serves a world-wide clientele; individuals of all ages and backgrounds, as well as select corporate clients. Services range from individual sessions to motivational presentations, training seminars, and workshops.