Apparently it costs about $80,000 annually to maintain the Brentwood Village area, according to a report published by the Los Angeles City Clerk in June.
Members of the City Council’s Economic Development Committee unanimously supported at its Aug. 12 meeting an annual planning report for the Brentwood Village Business Improvement District (BID) for the 2014 fiscal year, stating it complies with State law and is ready for council approval.
The full City Council voted unanimously 13-0 on the report at its Aug. 19 meeting.
According to the report, the Brentwood Village BID spent 67.5 percent of its most recent fiscal year budget on cleaning all planters twice weekly, installing a streetscape planter up to three times per year (including once during the end-of-the-year holiday season), once-a-week cleaning and water changes of the Village fountain, the emptying of trash and cleaning of litter or debris, graffiti removal, and pressure washing of streetscape areas.
The amount of money spent on the above activities was $54,000, according to the Los Angeles City Clerk.
Among the largest expenses in this category included trash pick-up ($15,000), sidewalk cleaning ($13,500), and landscaping ($12,600).
Planting of plants reportedly cost the BID $7,000, while $3,000 was spent on tree trimming.
Another $8,500 – or 10.6 percent of the Brentwood Village BID’s fiscal year budget – was spent on holiday season lighting.
Finally, $17,500 (21.9 percent of the fiscal year budget) was spent on administration and operations expenses such as insurance, city and county collection costs, contingency fees, and accounting and bookkeeping services.
Insurance costs dinged the BID $2,700 while another $3,600 was transferred to city and county accounts for collection costs. The BID spent $4,000 on accounting services, $1,200 on bookkeeping, and $6,000 for contingency fees.
The total fiscal year budget for the Brentwood Village BID was $80,000.
At the end of 2013, no surplus was expected to carry over into 2014.
No significant changes were made from the 2013 budget to the 2014 budget, according to the City Clerk.
The Brentwood Village BID includes: the area east and west of Barrington Court; the portion of Barrington Walk between Chayote Street and Barrington Place; the stretch of Barrington Avenue between Sunset Boulevard and Barrington Place; and, portions of Barrington Place and Chayote Street.
Established by the City Council on Aug. 14, 2012, the Brentwood Village BID is required by State law to submit its Annual Planning Report for each fiscal year.
In addition to voting on the Brentwood Village BIDs annual report, the City Council will also be deciding whether to support similar reports for the BID’s of Downtown Los Angeles, South Los Angeles, Encino Commons, Westchester Town Center, Lincoln Heights, Hollywood, Studio City, and South Park (the district adjacent to Staples Center).